Sunday, December 19, 2010

New sewing project.

I've decided to put my silk projects on hold until I feel more confident about sewing with them, as I certainly don't want to ruin these beautiful fabrics.

However my next project is cut out and ready to sew. It's a short-sleeved winter dress using Simplicity 2648 'Amazing fit', so it's a good opportunity for me to learn more about getting the right fit.

I'm going to make View A. I must point out that I'm absolutely nothing like the model on the pattern envelope, this pattern can be cut to suit all shapes and sizes, so I'm hoping it will turn into something wearable!                   


  1. It's a very nice shape and I am sure you will sew something suitable.

  2. Είναι πολύ όμορφο το σχέδιο που διάλεξες!!!Σου εύχομαι, καλή επιτυχία!!!!
